
Ter., Mar.

TimorLeste film
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SBS TV DatelineSunday, May 22, 2011 - 20:28 Channel:SBS One
Xanana GusmÃo is recognised worldwide as East Timor's Prime Minister, but 20 years ago the situation was very different; he was leading the guerrilla fight against Indonesian occupation.Now Dateline has managed to obtain previously unseen footage of his capture taken by the Indonesian Army in 1992, which video journalist Mark Davis and producer Jose Belo show to GusmÃo for the first time.He's remarkably upbeat as he tells Mark about his feelings at being captured and how ultimately it led to his leadership of an independent East Timor. But the outcome wasn't so good for Augusto Pereira; the Indonesian police officer, who was concealing GusmÃo in a bunker under his house. He explains to Mark how the whole experience ruined his life.
WATCH - See Mark Davis and Jose Belo's exclusive look into East Timor's history.
FACTFILE - Read more about East Timor's history and the country's long and violent fight for independence.

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